This Website of the European University Institute (hereinafter 'the Website') is made of all sections and subsections hosted on the *. domain and refers to the whole network of web services provided by the EUI. By accessing the Website and the material and information contained herein, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
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The Estonian translation of this section serves for informational purposes only; solely the English version is legally binding.
Käesolev Euroopa Ülikool-Instituudi (EUI) veebileht (edaspidi "veebileht") koosneb kõigist jaotistest ja alajaotistest, mis asuvad domeenil *., ja viitab kogu EUI pakutavate veebiteenuste võrgustikule. Veebisaidile ning sellel sisalduvale materjalile ja teabele juurdepääsuga kinnitate, et olete lugenud, mõistnud ja nõustunud järgmiste tingimustega ning nõustute neid järgima.